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Why coffee? And why with Brett?

(This won't take long)

Thanks for joining me in exploring two of my favorite things... enjoying good coffee and learning how to experience the gift of this amazing life.

I am on a journey.  Starting in my early 20s, I became curious about the mind, spirituality, and being present. In 2018, I had the opportunity to participate in an introspective retreat that helped me to discover my true calling, to live and be the best version of myself. That may sound selfish, but it is not. By living my values, I am in a position to further help, serve, and inspire those I meet along the path to become the best version of their authentic selves too.

I invite you to join the journey...  whether it be a video, post, or link that you can enjoy and process over a fresh cup of coffee. As the benefits kicks in, I hope to inspire you to apply my learnings to your own life and situation. This could be leadership, growth, professional or personal.  We are all in this together, bound by a universal love of being human. Welcome aboard!

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